Pictures of the world are not always pictures of the overall visible world. They speak of the hidden things, overlooked situations, the edges of the existence, of this inconspicuous way of life. Reinhart Mlineritsch is a photographer with love for this inconspicuousness; he discovers the unspectacular views, the half-dead stepped grass, the unattractive ponds. The …
A Photographic Essay on the Building History

Catalogue Edition Rupertinum With a foreword by Agnes Husslein-Arco and a text by Margit Zuckriegl Museum der Moderne Salzburg Moenchsberg 32, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria 32 pages, 34 photographs, softcover, 29 x 24 cm ISBN 3-901824-26-X “The photographs, however, are not meant to be a chronological documentation of events, rather a personal view of the nascent …
Museum der Moderne Salzburg

With the decision to establish the Museum der Moderne Salzburg at the site of the former “Café Winkler” on Moenchsberg and the subsequent jury decision on the architecture competition, the story of this important new building began in a prominent place above Salzburg’s old town. The building was built between 2001 and mid-2004 in an …
Nevada Museum of Art
The art of a second look: New photographs by Reinhart Mlineritsch
It is in the nature of photography that it isolates the displayed image detail of the world, tears it out of the context of a landscape, an architectural ensemble, an event. But it also inserts the pictures into new contexts. The viewer always perceives a photo in a frame – that of an exhibition, an …
Velvet Curtain

Photographs by Reinhart Mlineritsch Text by Karl-Markus Gauss Edition Fotohof im Otto Mueller Verlag, Salzburg 2003, Volume 25 Published by Kurt Kaindl 108 Pages, 90 Photographs, hardcover, 31 x 27 cm, Euro 33,00 Text in English and German ISBN 3-7013-1078-5 To purchase the book, please contact With pictures of the utmost precision and sharpest …
Velvet Curtain

The art of a second look: New photographs by Reinhart Mlineritsch It is in the nature of photography that it isolates the displayed image detail of the world, tears it out of the context of a landscape, an architectural ensemble, an event. But it also inserts the pictures into new contexts. The viewer always perceives …
A look at the outside reveals the innermost part of the world
A good photo makes you think of a mining tunnel. It opens the inside of our world to the eye, exposes layers that have long been hidden and searches for riches that no one would have dreamed of at first glance. This is how the Austrian photographer Reinhart Mlineritsch works in his picture of the …
Like a Stranger
Like a Stranger

Reinhart Mlineritsch – Photographs 1992 – 1998 With texts by Gerhard Amanshauser and Margit Zuckriegl Published by Edition Fotohof im Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1999 96 pages, 79 large format photographs, hardcover, size 30 x 27 cm, Euro 33,00 texts in German and English ISBN 3-7013-1004-1 To purchase the book, please contact Mlineritsch is …